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Post Info TOPIC: Busing students to school

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RE: Busing students to school

I asked on of the students who is a freshman in high school how it works.
High school doors open at seven twenty and you can go in whenever you want after that and I believe middle school starts at seven fifty five and I think they can go in a little before that...but I know when its nice out they have to stand outside unless they need to go in and talk to a teacher and in the winter they go into the first part of the enterance.

So the only one that is a problem is the middle school they cant go in until closer to when school starts, but it starts at 7:55 so there should be no problem dropping off middle school students and getting to work by 8.


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Clarke wrote:

I guess I was never at the old Jr high....but I do know that kids wait outside now for the doors to open around 8am.  Drive by the circus once to check it out :)  no traffic problems or road rage there..... :)

They don't open the door until 10 to 8?! How does that give you enough time to buy doughnuts from the Key Club?!


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I guess I was never at the old Jr high....but I do know that kids wait outside now for the doors to open around 8am.  Drive by the circus once to check it out :)  no traffic problems or road rage there..... :)


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My son finished middle school last year and both years they didn't open the doors until 10 minutes before class begins, unless they were there for breakfast.


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Clark--Was this a change when the new JR high building was built? I was always dropped off at 15min to 8 and the building was open for students to go inside. Or perhaps these students do not want to go inside to visit? I obviously didnt attend the  new building, but it is odd that they would change with the new school, or over the years for that matter.

-- Edited by NDGirl on Monday 27th of September 2010 01:20:59 PM


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The Jr high is not open to all (maybe breakfast students only??)...there is a mass of kids waiting outside when I drop my daughter off around 8am.


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Doesnt the schools open their doors for breakfast anymore? They did when I went to school, granted it was 12 years ago, but the school opened for breakfast in the morings at 8:40 and parents who needed to drop their kids off early could and they could eat breakfast. Thus the parents who needed to be to work by 8 could be. The high school/JR high are opened at 7:30. Some kids go in early for tutoring or to use the library. They would not be outside freezing. We carpooled when I was in high school If one friend had a car they would pick all of us up and we would give them gas money. The district has a hard enough time trying to find teachers with the housing shortage. Where are they going to find bus drivers?


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I guess I kind of agree with the lady....I have never seen a town that does not have bussing. 

I was shocked when i moved to town....but whatever...now that I have been here 10 years its no big deal.  Its nice that most employers dont have a problem letting people come and go to pickup and dropoff kids.



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Couldn't this be a self funded thing?  A simple ticket punch or a fare that is to be paid every time a kid gets on the bus?  It would then be a "choice" as opposed to part of our taxes.   I think. confuse


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. – Philippians 2:3-4

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well thats it Steve..I'm going to the next WSC meeting and demanding Taxi service for me to get to work :)



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Haliburton does. biggrinbiggrinbiggrin


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. – Philippians 2:3-4

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I don't think its the school's job to make sure my kids get to school. Their job is to teach, mentor and keep my kids safe.  MY job is to make sure they get their safe and make sure they make it home safe.  Nobody busses me to work....


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What are your thoughts on this matter? There seems to be a lot of (anonymous) contempt for the woman that brought it up at the school board meeting. Should we bus all students to school?

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